The European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (EAFIP) initiative supports public procurers across Europe in developing and implementing innovation procurement.
The aim of the EAFIP-initiative is to promote good practices and reinforce the evidence base on completed innovation procurements across Europe. To encourage other public procurers to start new PCP and PPI procurements and
to boost the digital-green economy recovery through Innovation Procurement (PCP & PPI).
Since the start end of 2014 EAFIP organised a series of successful events and numerous webinars, created a knowledge-packed toolkit and 12 informative videos, and provided assistance to public procurers in the development and implementation of their innovation procurement.
No less than 29 innovation procurements of high impact ICT-related solutions were and/or are supported through EAFIP up to present. Across Europe, public procurers are able to move ahead with innovation procurements.
For information on the (so far) selected projects and the Assistance see here.
The EAFIP-initiative has been relaunched for a new period. During this edition:
– new calls to apply for assistance are launched,
– assistance is being provided to newly selected projects, and
– webinars & workshops are organised on a regular basis.
Sign up for our mailings to keep up to date with ongoing activities through the Sign up button below.
The EAFIP-initiative organised 13 events in different EU countries, including nine workshops and three Major Events. In-depth information and training was provided to over 1200 public procurers and other stakeholders on innovation procurement. Also numerous webinars on different topics relating to innovation procurement are and have been organised. You can watch all EAFIP-webinar through a replay link. Learn more about organised and upcoming webinars.
The EAFIP-initiative supports a number of selected innovation procurement projects of ICT based solutions in the preparation and implementation of a PCP or PPI procurement. A Call to apply for free assistance to your innovation procurement is currently open. Applications will be assessed on a monthly basis.
Learn more about PreCommercial Procurement (PCP). Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI), EU policy initiatives and examples of national and regional PCP and PPI initiatives across Europe on the European Commission website on Innovation Procurement.