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Essential ICT infrastructure for smart, automated transport

No more traffic jams. Safer roads. Less pollution. These are just some of the benefits promised as automated and connected vehicles take to the streets - but only if they can effectively communicate and cooperate. An EU-funded project is developing key network infrastructure technology to lead this revolution in transport automation.

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Innovative technology for next-gen vehicles

Steering for direction, brakes for safety, suspension for comfort? Yes, but they are all relevant to each other. An EU-funded project that focuses on harnessing their interplay is developing smart technologies for even better cars - boosting industry competitiveness in the process.

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Innovations to improve ship safety in the icy Arctic

The EU-funded SEDNA project is developing ways to improve the design, operation, navigation and anti-icing features of ships traversing the harsh Arctic region. SEDNA's innovations could help protect lives, safeguard the region's unique natural environment, and open more competitive routes for Europe's shippers.

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Innovation in energy technology powers research careers

Breakthrough battery technologies will play a vital role in achieving the EU's goal of lowering carbon emissions by storing renewable energy for use around the clock and increasing the uptake of electric vehicles. EU-funded research is developing new energy-storage options that will have an enormous impact in Europe, creating new jobs and helping to protect our environment.

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Improving biometrics for European border controls

As cross-border travel continues to grow in the EU, automated border control with biometric verification speeds travellers on their way. An EU-funded project is researching new biometric methods to further reduce delays and enhance the travelling experience for EU and non-EU citizens alike.

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Solving the sand challenge for desert railways

EU-funded researchers are developing solutions to shelter train tracks from wind-blown sand, combining architectural, engineering and mathematical modelling innovations to improve safety, reduce maintenance costs and protect billions of euros’ worth of railway infrastructure.

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Lightening the load for car makers

EU-funded researchers have developed and tested an innovative new method for producing tailor-made steel parts of variable thickness and shape. This could hugely benefit car manufacturers interested in incorporating flexible lightweight components in future designs - reducing costs and boosting their competitiveness.

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