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Smarter and safer automated driving

Hi-tech driver assistance systems being developed by EU-funded researchers aim to perfect the link between human and machine in self-driving cars. This could help prevent accidents and fatalities on Europe's roads.

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Europe-wide ICT network to boost electric vehicle use

Long trips in electric cars are often impractical due to difficulties in charging up a vehicle when driving from one country to another. An EU-funded project has set up a network to ensure that cars can be plugged into charging points in any EU country. This could make electric vehicles more attractive - benefiting industry and the environment.

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Aligning shared transport services to attract more users

An EU-funded project has improved understanding of people's choices when using a variety of shared transport services - such as carpooling. The analysis will help planners design more sustainable services better aligned to commuters' needs, encouraging them to leave their cars at home and thus easing road congestion.

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Integrating maritime intelligence for safer seas

Seas have long been invaluable resources for EU countries. But those same seas can be conduits for piracy, drug trafficking and irregular migration. A group of security specialists has launched an EU-funded project to better integrate sources of maritime intelligence. The result will be safer seas for all who sail them.

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Adapting to automated driving

Automated technologies are expected to help make driving both safer and more efficient. EU-funded research has been laying the groundwork for adapting to automated driving both technologically and through driver behaviour.

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Ports prepare for cyber-storms, too

Critical infrastructure, like ports, face growing threats - both physical and cybernetic. In response, EU-funded researchers have developed novel 'hybrid' situation-awareness tools, including visualisation techniques for detecting, preventing, and mitigating the impacts of potential attacks.

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Dial a bus: personalised urban public transport

No timetables. No fixed stops. No waiting ages in the rain. EU-funded researchers are running world-first trials of a public transport concept involving autonomous electric buses that may soon collect users on demand. Such fleets could be a less costly, greener option for areas where conventional services might not be viable.

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Synergistic jet engines for cleaner aviation

An EU-funded project has developed new engine design concepts with the potential to radically improve aircraft efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase sustainability and boost European industry competitiveness. These new designs aim to maximise synergies between various existing and novel engine technologies.

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