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Controlling light at the nanoscale thanks to graphene

Graphene, an atomically thin lattice of carbon, has many exceptional properties. An EU-funded project is developing ways to use this unique nanomaterial efficiently in novel optical technologies with potential applications in medical imaging, biosensing, signal processing and computing.

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Could nanotechnoloy 'rewire' an injured spinal cord?

Innovative equipment has been developed to help patients regain control of limbs despite an injury that stops the transmission of signals through the spinal cord. But what if this transmission could actually be re-established? An EU-funded project is working on an innovative implant, but there is still a very long way to go.

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Better understanding of colon cancer to help guide treatment

EU-industry funded researchers have worked to identify and characterise signs of cancer, particularly colon cancers, and patients' responses to different types of treatment. The aim is to help doctors choose the best possible treatment for an individual patient's condition, potentially improving and saving lives.

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