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AI trained on Classics helps historians fill in the blanks

Ancient inscriptions can teach us a lot about past civilisations. The problem is that these inscriptions are often illegible, or their place of origin is unknown. To help, the EU-funded PythiaPlus project developed an AI-based tool that historians can use to restore missing text, and establish an inscription’s original date and place of writing.

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How the camera lens gives people a glimpse of a better future

The sociopolitical role that everyday photography plays is significant but under-investigated. The PHOTODEMOS project conducted ethnographic research across nine countries to investigate similarities and differences in how ordinary people use cameras. Its findings identify how images both inspire and empower citizens to reimagine their circumstances and explore alternative futures.

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How software that embeds emotional cues in audio helps treat patients

The power of music to evoke strong emotions is known to anyone who hears it – but the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Using sound manipulation tools that could elicit emotional responses, the EU-funded CREAM project has yielded insights into the brain. The work is also already inspiring novel clinical applications, from diagnosing speech problems to assessing brain surgery patients.

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Upgrading digital copyright law to empower Europe’s creative industries

Art in the age of digital reproduction is under threat from inadequate contracts, piracy, generative AI and limits on access. In the EU-funded reCreating Europe project, researchers, libraries, copyright experts and other stakeholders sought ways to secure culturally diverse production of art, as well as inclusive access for consumers. The results can help Europe maintain its position as a cultural and economic powerhouse in the creative industries.

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An app-based test for detecting synaesthesia in children

Synaesthesia, a neurological condition associated with anxiety disorders and autism, is difficult to identify in children. The EU-funded SYN-TOOLKIT project developed a new method to gather evidence of this perceptual phenomenon. The research has led to the development of a diagnostic smartphone app that could help these individuals access support.

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Digitising crafts to preserve cultural heritage

Many heritage crafts are at risk of being lost to time as they are practised less. To preserve them, the EU-funded Mingei project digitised their creative processes and the final products. As well as safeguarding European culture, the project could boost local tourism.

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Putting data privacy back in the hands of EU citizens

If data is the new gold, it’s only fair that its rightful owners can use and share it as they please. A novel Privacy-Enhanced Dashboard has been developed by the EU-funded PoSeID-on project. This will make it easier for EU citizens to exercise greater control over their personal data, across a wide range of public and private services.

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