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Empowering citizens for better science

Scientific progress has yielded technological innovations that have improved the lives of billions of people. But often, those people feel detached from how scientific research is done. EU-funded researchers aim to close the gap by involving citizens more directly in scientific research.

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History springs back to life via virtual reality

The application of virtual reality to cultural heritage is contributing to the way both knowledge and objects are preserved and handed down to future generations of Europeans. Now an EU-funded project is helping increase knowledge and share virtual reality expertise among researchers in Romania, Slovenia and Italy.

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Expanding horizons in digital humanities research

Access to digitised texts, recordings and other documents from repositories across Europe offers a major resource for humanities research. An EU-funded project has contributed to developing a pan-European digital infrastructure to provide wider access to such information - boosting research in the field.

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Assisted living technology made easy

Some people take pleasure in an epic struggle to configure a new wireless device. Others, not so much. For them, it would be great if the electronics they need could, please, just sort themselves out to work straight out of the box. An EU-funded project has found a way to achieve this level of user-friendliness for assisted living technologies.

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