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Linking Europe's logistics information systems

Logistics processes typically involve a multitude of actors, all of whom are likely to use different IT systems and solutions to organise the relevant tasks. Enabling these systems to connect across Europe would help boost efficiency, productivity and sustainability, say EU-funded researchers who are working to make this happen.

© wladimir1804 #141173897, 2018. Source:

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The EU-funded AEOLIX project is developing a collaborative IT infrastructure for the configuration and management of logistics-related information pipelines. The aim, through this platform, is to foster transparency in the supply chain by enabling data owners and users to share information simply and effectively.

To encourage engagement, the partners are approaching not only prospective end-users of the platform, such as transport companies or port authorities, but also a wide variety of other stakeholders. The AEOLIX Community Ecosystem includes public authorities and infrastructure managers, service providers and developers, service enablers and technology suppliers.

Eleven living labs are exploring the collaborative approach championed by the project. These case studies conducted across Europe are exploring and demonstrating how the proposed improvements can help streamline processes and thereby make operations more efficient, productive and sustainable.

Several studies are dedicated to specific hubs, while others target operations across larger areas. The living lab in the French city of Bordeaux, for instance, is focusing on the flow of data relevant to customs clearance and the control of dangerous goods. The objective of another is to facilitate automated information exchange along the Danube, notably to reduce the number of empty cargo transports. In a third example, the participants are proposing improvements for the corridors connecting the United Kingdom and China, via mainland Europe.

Partners in 12 countries are involved in the project, which is led by the European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organisation – Intelligent Transport Systems and Services Europe (ERTICO – ITS Europe).

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Project details

Project acronym
Project number
Project coordinator: Belgium
Project participants:
United Kingdom
Total cost
€ 16 220 106
EU Contribution
€ 16 220 106
Project duration

See also

More information about project AEOLIX

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