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Health & life sciences

Data-driven personalised care for Alzheimer's patients

EU and industry-funded researchers are testing wearable devices, Internet of Things technologies and smartphone apps to transform the lives of people with Alzheimer's disease. The innovative approach promises to enable people with declining cognitive health to live independently for longer, while lowering costs for public health services.

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Neural networks could reveal how the brain understands time

EU-funded researchers have developed a framework for understanding how we record memories by creating a model that simulates the behaviour of single neurons across different timescales. The research could help build on our understanding of how human memory works and lead to developments in the burgeoning field of artificial neural networks, as well as areas as far-reaching as genetics and ecology.

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New treatment on the horizon for Graves' disease

Treatment options for the immune system disorder Graves' disease have remained unchanged for over 70 years, and all bring serious side effects. An innovative EU-funded project is helping scientists and doctors move closer to finding a safer, more effective alternative.

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Why humans have very big brains

Our brains are larger than those of most other species, and hefty even in relation to our body mass. Is this the result of an 'arms race' triggered by social drivers such as competition? Probably not, according to EU-funded research that points primarily to environmental challenges and provided fresh food for thought on human evolution.

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Big data sheds more light on dark matter

EU-funded researchers have helped generate the most accurate map to date of dark matter, the mysterious substance that makes up 80 % of the universe. The innovative big-data technologies they used will have a significant impact on fields as diverse as astrophysics and biomedical imaging.

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