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Health & life sciences

Phages, a bacteria killer with a twist...

Putting a fresh spin on the proverb 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', EU-funded researchers have developed and tested an innovative treatment for infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, which have developed into a major public health threat. This new weapon is a cocktail of bacteria-killing viruses called 'phages'.

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Directed polymorphism may lead to better treatments

In the field of pharmaceuticals, the term 'polymorphism' refers to the existence of a single substance in two or more crystalline forms. These different forms can vary widely in their efficacy, bioavailability and even toxicity. An EU-funded project is working to develop a method for directing polymorphism in pharmaceutical compounds, thus promising better drug treatments for patients everywhere.

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New processes for safer medicines

The EU-funded CORE project is helping to develop safer, more effective medicines by improving the processes pharmaceutical companies use to separate mirror-image pharmaceutical molecules, which will boost the industry's efficiency and competitiveness.

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