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Ecosystems, incl. land, inland waters, marine

A low-impact transporter lightens the load on forest soils

Forests are versatile renewable resources, but load-carrying forestry machines can damage the soil. An EU-funded project has developed a tracked, off-road timber transporter, or forwarder, that exerts less pressure on soil, as well as a device to measure soil disturbance - part of a sustainable solution to protecting Europe's valuable forests.

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New sensors paint real-time picture of ocean health

EU-funded researchers have developed new marine sensors to meet the growing need for real-time data on the state of our oceans. Such timely and accurate information will help scientists and policymakers react quickly to ecological threats and ensure that environmental policies are properly implemented.

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Better data flows to reduce water use

In an effort to reduce agricultural pressure on water resources - the sector accounts for up to 80 % of water use in some parts of the EU, researchers are on a mission to improve on-farm irrigation management. More precise land-surface data will make soil-water content estimates more accurate and reduce water use.

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Nature has the solutions, but still needs help

An EU-funded project is calling for a step-change in how nature-based solutions like green roofs and city lagoons are used for sustainable urbanisation and in tackling climate change. But first, the project's researchers are addressing a yawning knowledge gap on current best practices and impacts.

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Preserving sponge grounds in the North Atlantic

EU-funded research into North Atlantic sponge grounds aims to discover unique sponge ecosystems. This should improve understanding of such ecosystems functioning, help predict threats, ensure their sustainable use and assess their links to human well-being.

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An integrated observing system for the Atlantic Ocean

Buoys, floats, moorings and research vessels, to name just a few examples - data about the state of the Atlantic is collected by a number of means. And by a profusion of actors, who could jointly produce even better results if they applied a common strategy. EU-funded researchers are driving the development of an integrated system.

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