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Ecosystems, incl. land, inland waters, marine

Turning waste into wastewater treatment

Water scarcity in the Mediterranean, South America, Africa... It is a growing global problem, as climate change pressure mounts and inefficiencies in water use and treatment continue, particularly in water-intensive industries. An EU-backed team - working with international partners - has developed an innovative, low-cost inorganic wastewater treatment using agricultural and industrial leftovers.

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Keeping track of ocean plastic

EU-funded research is developing advanced modelling tools to help assess the full extent of the problem of plastic pollution in our oceans and how it is affecting the marine environment. The tools will help policymakers design targeted measures to address a big and growing issue.

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Making clothes from plastic debris found at sea

About 400 kg per square kilometre: this, according to estimates, is the amount of mostly plastic waste littering European seas. Some of it can be upcycled into high-quality clothing, claimed a Spanish SME, which carried out an EU-funded feasibility study to work out the details. And indeed, such garments are now available in its shops.

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Mapping Kenya's birds with mobile technology

An EU-funded project has created an updated distribution map of Kenya's bird species. It uses the latest mobile technology to create dynamic data with input from the public and has become a valuable resource for conservationists and policymakers.

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Learning from past crises to protect future biodiversity

The EU funded PRIDE project is investigating drivers of biotic turnover (the rate at which organisms die) in lakes in the Black Sea / Caspian Sea (Pontocaspian) region to understand the nature and severity of the current biodiversity crisis. Increased understanding will help the project team design conservation strategies to mitigate biodiversity loss.

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