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Earth observation

Tracking polar changes as the Earth heats up

Shifts in globalisation, new transport routes, demography and use of natural resources will all play a role in the changing landscape of the Earth's polar regions amid global warming. An EU-funded project seeks to track their impact to help inform EU policy.

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Probing the causes of ecosystem change

Satellite data has great potential for detecting changes in ecosystems. An EU-funded project is combining space and ground data to develop an innovative method of monitoring ecosystems, to give early warnings of ecosystem change and biodiversity loss.

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Gateway to earth observation of coastal waters

Coastal waters around the world are under threat from land-based pollutants that affect water quality, marine ecosystems and tourism. An EU-funded project is creating an IT-based platform to support applications that use earth observation (EO) to monitor coastal waters.

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Innovative space-based climate assessment

The European Union has established stringent requirements for the monitoring from space of man-made greenhouse gases (GHGs). An EU-funded project is developing a miniaturised spectrometer to be mounted on small satellites. This will enable scientists to meet the specifications for GHG monitoring and ultimately help us to better understand climate change.

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Better flood warnings over the phone

An EU-funded project has brought together satellite-imaging data with crowd-sourced information from a mobile phone app to provide better information and warnings for citizens and emergency responders during flooding events.

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Helping small farmers to meet growing food needs

The expansion of the world's population poses a number of urgent challenges, including increasing food production. An EU-funded project is developing an Earth observation (EO)-based IT platform that provides key information and advisory services to small farmers, to help them play their part in meeting future food needs.

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Better forecasting to head off acute pollution events in Asia

Air quality in South East Asia is a major concern as the region further develops. European and Chinese scientists teamed up to develop space and ground-based tools and methods to monitor, model and forecast regional air quality and a growing list of emission types. Authorities can use the tools to plan for or prevent acute air-quality incidents, potentially saving thousands of lives.

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