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Sharing data key to tackling major disease outbreaks

An EU-funded project has pioneered new techniques to detect and share information about infectious disease outbreaks. These methods will be used in the future to improve public health responses to pandemics. Already, some of the tools devised in the project are being further developed to specifically tackle the spread of COVID-19.

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EU dairy sector to get sustainability boost

EU and industry researchers are developing an innovative biorefinery which will convert by-products from the dairy industry into valuable materials that can be used to produce bio-based products, including biodegradable plastic, feeding into the EU's expanding bio-based sector.

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Greener flights from greener fields - using aviation biofuel

Jet fuel from renewable sources holds the key to significantly reducing the environmental impact of aviation. EU-funded researchers have set out to boost Europe's production capacity, and are also developing a process that would leverage the growing of feedstock to rehabilitate land at risk of desertification.

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