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Specific Support

Specific Support to Georgia

The main objectives of the PSF Specific Support to Georgia - to be implemented by the team of independent European R&I policy experts - will be to assist the Georgian government in identifying promising research fields, suggesting measures for narrowing the gap between research and industry/business, and developing a proposal for the performance-based funding of research organisations.

Specific Support to Slovenia

The main objectives of the PSF Specific Support to Slovenia are to identify and recommend measures to further develop (1) The internationalisation of the Slovenian science base (through both cross-border researchers' mobility and cooperation), and (2) The cooperation between the science base and businesses. The final report will include an assessment of the current situation, an identification of the policy levers to be used and concrete recommendations to tackle the key barriers in relation to both focus areas.

Specific Support to Lithuania

The Specific Support to Lithuania focused on an assessment of the current situation, an identification of the policy levers to be used and concrete recommendations (policy and implementation schemes level) to tackle the key barriers in relation to science-business cooperation and attraction of innovation-oriented FDI.

Specific Support to Latvia

In order to support the Latvian authorities in the completion of the reform of the Latvian funding system for public research, the PSF experts' panel will review the funding allocation systems and processes (for both project funding and institutional funding) and propose any improvements required to correspond to best practice while being adapted to the Latvian situation. An overall institutional/ organisational structure for managing the funding system, tailored to the specificities of the Latvian situation will be developed.