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European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (EAFIP)

WEBINAR WORKSHOP – Construction, Infrastructure Security & Energy Innovations in ICT Related Projects

Webinar 17 March 2023

A 2 hours webinar for European public buyers, suppliers and policy makers

This 2-hour workshop showcased procurement cases on construction, infrastructure security & energy innovations in ICT related projects. The cases addressed relevant innovations implementing ICT solutions, sustainable aspects and security measures to safeguard infrastructure.

– How to embed good practices in your procurement to obtain innovative and sustainable solutions?
– How to formulate functional requirements to implement ICT innovations in construction, infrastructure security & energy projects?

These and other questions were addressed by experts/invited speakers from across Europe, through example cases.
Among the case studies that were presented as examples were:

– The Sustainable Reconstruction of the Motorway A6 presented by Jeroen van Alphen from Rijkswaterstaat – Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, The Netherlands, and

– The joint-cross border Pre-Commercial Procurement of breakthrough solutions for 100% renewable energy supply in buildings presented by ProcuRE.


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  • 17 March 2023, 12:45 CET - 14:45 CET
  • Hybrid (Bratislava & Online)
  • Participation to this webinar was free of charge, but registration was mandatory