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European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (EAFIP)
Logo_Muntstroom-Living-Lab_STIB MIVB

Information about the procurement

ICT Solution: Muntstroom Living Lab

The project Muntstroom Living Lab aimed to measure, visualize and influence multi-modal people flow on, around and under the Brussels’ Place de la Monnaie / Muntplein (outdoor and indoor).  Planned under the Belgian digital/ICT strategy,  the Muntstroom Living Lab is one of the first steps towards a common Mobility as a Service (MaaS)  platform for the Brussels Capital Region (BCR).

  • The development of Belgian Smart Mobility-solutions is supported by both the federal ministries for Mobility and Digital Agenda
  • The development of a MaaS-applications is one of the recommendations of the Regional Mobility Plan “Good Move”
  • Developing indoor mapping is supported by the Brussels Regional Informatics Centre via their UrbIS mobile (outdoor / indoor) initiative.
  • Developing knowledge on Innovative Procurement is one of the strategic actions in the Regional Innovation Plan 2016-2020 of Innoviris, the Brussels Institute for the encouragement of scientific research.

Public transport operator STIB-MIVB is lead procurer for a consortium of 4 public partners in this project:

  1. Public transport operator STIB-MIVB
  2. The Brussels Regional Informatics Centre
  3. The authority Brussels Mobility
  4. Parking Brussels

Framework Agreements have been awarded to four contractors:

  • Macq SA
  • Cubis Solutions SA
  • NTT Belgium SA
  • Securitas SA

Key technologies:

Sensor-data for positioning and routing (indoor and outdoor) to influence behaviour using Internet of Things (IoT)  solutions combined with Machine Learning (AI) on real-time data in a geospatial context.


Project picture_STIB MIVB


Public Procurer:  STIB-MIVB 

Type of innovation procurement:  Muntstroom was the first Brussels Pre-Commercial Procurement – PCP

Timeframe: Launched January 2021. Contract Notice published September 2021. Contract Award Notice published on 29 August 2022. PCP Phase 1 began in Q3 2022.

Budget invested by the procurer:  500K  

More information:


Also see the Toolkit Case box example – Muntstroom PCP
EAFIP Toolkit on Innovation Procurement - Module 2, pages 77-78

EAFIP Assistance provided

To the specific tender:  
Assistance in the preparation of the procurement, including  support in scoping the “unmet” needs, tuning the business case, developing the multipartite agreement between the consortium partners and drafting tendering documents.

To the general procurement of the organisation: 
Best practices for innovation procurement.

CURRENT STATUS – Project Completed

Completed. Phase 1 was conducted successfully. However, the results revealead technical information also related to the rise of data spaces that justified not moving to Phase 2 of the PCP.


Also see the Toolkit Case box example – Muntstroom PCP
EAFIP Toolkit on Innovation Procurement - Module 2, pages 77-78