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European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (EAFIP)

Information about the procurement

ICT Solution:  “Home monitoring COVID-19” 

Central Procurement and Supplies Unit Structur (CPSU) needed an innovative solution to reduce patients coming to the hospital and to ensure follow-up from their home. This would solve the problem of follow-up appointments which take long and lack of concordance.

The current pilot ran well and showed high compliance by the patients. The pilot project was expanded to cover all type 1 diabetics up to the age of 21. During the pilot two candidates were shortlisted for the restricted tender. The tender for a restricted procedure will be launched in 2024. 


Key technology:

  • Artificial Intelligence


Project picture_CPSU


Public Procurer: Central Procurement & Supplies Unit (CPSU) – Ministry of Health Malta

Type of innovation procurement:  Public Procurement of Innovative solutions (PPI)

Timeframe: September 2020 -2023

Budget invested by the procurer: € 1’000,000.-

More information:

EAFIP Assistance provided

To the specific tender:
Best practices for testing solutions.

To the general procurement of the organisation:
Best practices for innovation procurement.

CURRENT STATUS - Ongoing project

The pilot phase of the project was expanded to cover all type 1 diabetics up to the age of 21. The project is at the final stages and CPSU will publish in 2024 the restricted tender with two shortlisted candidates.