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European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (EAFIP)

Information about the procurement

ICT Solution: Central Distribution Layer – CDL

The goal of the project was to develop a bridge between the individual regional water authorities and the national SDI with a simple and cost-effective means of fulfilling their INSPIRE and Open Data obligation with a single ICT solution, making the same data available through a single (set of) channel(s) to the end-user or added value provider.

Het Waterschapshuis wanted to achieve nationwide harvesting and servicing of data relevant to the EU INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC) and other Open Geo Data provided by all regional waterboards (Waterschappen) in The Netherlands.

Key technologies:

  • Combination of proven (internet) technology and the use of new standards for data definition and storage.
  • Water infrastructure related geo-data (water system data model “DAMO”) combined with newly developed xml-scheme for data exchange (as part of the Dutch Informatie Model Water “IMWA” standard) for seamless and virtual real time harvesting of data from all 23 Waterboards.
  • The Dutch national Spatial Data Infrastructure (Publieke Dienstverlening op de Kaart “PDOK”) was to serve as the front end for the solution. PDOK makes digital geospatial data available as data services and files according to both national e-government (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community – IMWA, Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie – BGT, Geography Markup Language – GML) and international (Inspire Web Map Service – WMS / Web Feature Service – WFS) standards. Most PDOK services are based on open data and are therefore available to everyone.

Het Waterschapshuis, together with the water boards, ensures that data flows are supplied to PDOK at least once a week via the central distribution layer (CDL).  (Dutch newsitem)




Public Procurer: Het Waterschapshuis

Type of innovation procurement: Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions – PPI

Timeframe: Dec 2015 – Jan 2017

Budget invested by the procurer: € 500.000,- for building and € 200.000,- for maintenance (excl. VAT)

More information:

Open market consultation: LINK

Call for tender: LINK

EAFIP Assistance provided

To the specific tender: 
change in the procurement strategy, set up of a market consultation, change in the selection of tender procedure (the use of a restrictive procedure instead an open procedure), improvement of tender documents, and improvement of contractual clauses to minimize risk and encourage innovation (acceptance, IPR, warranty, termination & liability).

To the general procurement of the organisation: 
best practices for innovation procurement, development of a business case and contract management.

CURRENT STATUS - Completed project

Completed project with a working solution