Information about the procurement
ICT Solution: Big Data for Personalised Medicine (MEDP-BIG DATA)
MEDP-BIG DATA aims to improve diagnosis, treatment and research in chronic, oncological, degenerative and rare diseases, either for emergencies or flow management, through personalised medicine with new tools of BigData. The system will serve as a support to clinical decisions oriented to each individual patient including the support of assisted autoanamnesis by facilitating algorithms.
The Health Services of the Canary Islands, Andalusia and Valencia will be provided with instruments that allow them to make health decisions adapted to the characteristics and individual needs of each patient. Clinical, pathological, image, prognostic and predictive variables, like other non-clinical and available outside the health system (style of life, adherence to treatment, etc.) will be considered.
The solution (s) will integrate data from various sources, and facilitate its analysis and exploitation, making it possible to determine patterns of evolution of the disease, therapeutic response, etc. It must be focused towards the management of these diseases with criteria of opportunity, effectiveness, efficiency, feasibility and sustainability of assistance health.
Key technologies:
- Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and predictive models
- Virtual patient assistant for diagnosis, simple treatment, extension of reports and personalised health.
- Management of large volumes of Data
- Analytics using open data (text mining, datamining, statistical, predictive and descriptive models)
- Clinical data quality evaluation
- Interoperability and security of big data services in health and research repositories
- Predictions by similarity of clinical routes
- Aggregate medical evidence through decision theory
- Multi-criteria stratification of patients
- Early and quantitative treatment evaluation
- Interrogation to repositories through abstractions

Public Procurer: Gobierna de Canarias / Government of the Canary Islands
Type of innovation procurement: Pre-Commercial Procurement – PCP
Timeframe: Start of project September 2019. Contract for Phase 1 of the PCP awarded April 2022.
Budget invested by the procurer: € 6.000.000,-
Market consultation:
- Publication Spanish Public Contract platform (Plataforma de Contratacion del Sector Publico):
https://contrataciondelestado.es/wps/wcm/connect/69b350f7-491c-4d9f-ac8a-915af9dc6eeb/DOC201912021145081+Consulta+preliminar+con+anexos.pdf?MOD=AJPERES - Market consultation report –https://www3.gobiernodecanarias.org/sanidad/scs/content/0fe26724-d24a-11ea-b13d-d74878f82c17/MEDP-BIG-DATA-InformeFinal.pdf
More information:
Specifications document: https://www3.gobiernodecanarias.org/sanidad/scs/content/117f42e7-15fb-11ec-ac5b-0be862e149d7/Documento-informativo-anuncio-previo-MedP-08-09-21.pdf
Tender documents: DOC_CD2021-712051.pdf (contrataciondelestado.es)
Website Gobierno de Canarias: FID Salud Program (promotion of innovation from the demand side)
Contract notice (published 8 September 2021):
- Tenders Electronic Daily (TED): Services – 462113-2021 – TED Tenders Electronic Daily (europa.eu)
- Plataforma de Contratación del Sector público (PLACSP):
The contract was awarded (05/04/2022) to 3 companies for Phase 1 of the PCP:
- GMV SOLUCIONES GLOBALES INTERNET, S.A.U: total of 417.888,81 euros for Phase 1
- UTE18/CPP1 QWERTY – LABERIT: total of 418.264,66 euros for Phase 1
- VIRTUAL DOCTOR AND MEDICINES, S.L.: total de 313.697,70 euros for Phase1.
More information contract award Phase 1: https://contrataciondelestado.es/wps/wcm/connect/dd2b7a53-105c-41c8-9599-875cea1cd026/DOC20220406133906Orden+Adj++18+CPP+f.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
EAFIP Assistance provided
To the specific tender:
Support throughout the preparation phase and the drafting of tender documents.
To the general procurement of the organisation:
Best practices for innovation procurement, development of a business case and contract management.
CURRENT STATUS - Phase 1 completed | Ongoing project
Ongoing project. The project completed Phase 1 successfully. Contract awarded in April 2022 for Phase 1 of the PCP. In 2023, the Tenerife Ethics Committee for Research with Medicines approved the extension of the study to ten new use cases (UC) that address different aspects of assumptions corresponding to various pathologies. These 10 use cases entered Phase 2 of the PCP. The result of the piloting work in Phase 2 will allow its subsequent scaling and generalization. The aim is to directly offer professionals knowledge obtained through Big Data of patients.
The first phase consisted of the development of eight use cases and a supporting platform. Three of these cases focused on predictive analytics and the other five on the registration of lifestyle habits and the promotion of the healthiest ones with the support of artificial intelligence and which were deployed under the name “Cuidat-e” and with several thousands of participating users in its five use cases: “The smart spoon”, “We are counting on you” and “Healthy smile”, “Tobacco, alcohol and other addictions” and “Better in company”. The second phase of the PCP began with ten new use cases to amplify their scope and improve their sensitivity ratios. In 2023, the Tenerife Ethics Committee for Research with Medicines approved the extension of the study to these ten new use cases (UC) that address different aspects of assumptions corresponding to various pathologies. The result of this piloting work will allow its subsequent scaling and generalization. The aim is to directly offer professionals knowledge obtained through Big Data of patients suspected of suffering from rare diseases, candidates for prospective studies “in the real world”, with a higher risk of having an unfavorable evolution, suffering from persistent Covid or having readmission after hospital discharge. Additionally, the ‘Intelligent Pre-consultation’ interface function will be incorporated, intended to guide the patient in the story of their illness, to record key data and provide it to the professional to validate and complete it.