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European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (EAFIP)

Information about the procurement

ICT Solution:  AI and Natural Language Processing tools to provide new public services to citizens

Las Rozas City Council requires a technological solution that automates electronic administrative processes to improve efficiency in administrative management. The use of AI and Natural Language Processing will help to obtain unstructured data from documents submitted by citizens and transform them into structured metadata that will be processed in a business intelligent data platform.

Las Rozas City Council aims to simplify processes and improve user access to information, as well as the interaction between public bodies, and the security of transactions, while using predictive tools in public administration to proactively offer citizens public services related to their needs. The quality improvements in public services delivered to citizens shall result in 80% reduction in operational time, as a result of replacing high costs of manual data processing and paper-based work, by cheaper, faster and automatic AI and RPA systems.

The pilot project (one year challenge) will speed up time-to-market, in order to modernize public services (e.g., proactively give public grants to citizens), remove barriers between citizens and public administrations, and allow equal access to public services to all citizens (without IT knowledge dependence).

This project is implemented in the framework of the Spanish National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence (ENIA). The aim of this strategy is to develop a policy framework defining the actions that public administrations will undertake to facilitate the development and deployment of AI in the economy and society.


Project picture_Las-Rozas


Key technologies:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) to identify, classify and extract information from documentation.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Integration to national data brokerage platform so that the administration can proactively and automatically carry out administrative procedures.


Public Procurer:  Las Rozas City Council

Type of innovation procurement: Public Procurement of Innovative solutions (PPI)

Timeframe: The project is temporarily in pause due to institutional reasons.

Budget invested by the procurer: € 100.000,-

Preliminary Market Consultation: performed 14/07/2021 (

More information:
Published Prior Information Notice (PIN):  Services – 627288-2021 – TED Tenders Electronic Daily (
Website Las Roszas project page:

EAFIP Assistance provided

To the specific tender:
Legal support in improving the business case,  advice and guidance in defining an overall Innovation Procurement and IPR strategy, drafting of tender documents and implementing a PPI procurement

To the general procurement of the organisation:
Best practices for innovation procurement.

CURRENT STATUS - Project Paused

The project paused due to institutional reasons.