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Mutual Learning Exercise on Knowledge Valorisation- Focus on Skills, Intersectoral Cooperation and Incentive Systems

The mutual learning exercise builds on and contributes to implement European Research Area (ERA) Action 7 ‘Upgrade EU guidance for a better knowledge valorisation’, notably the Council Recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation. As inter-sectoral mobility is one of the most important streams of knowledge circulation and uptake, and skills play a pivotal role in this process, the exercise also contributes to the implementation of ERA Action 4 ‘Promote attractive and sustainable research careers, balanced talent circulation and international, transdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility across the ERA’ and promotes synergies between these priorities.

The following topics of interest have been identified:

Topic 1: Introduction and ERA Priority Actions 7 (upgrade EU guidance for better knowledge valorisation) and 4 (promoting attractive research careers)

Topic 2: Incentives and skills

a) Policy and legal context, governance and funding

b) Research talent

Topic 3: Intermediaries

Topic 4: Networks and Processes

Topic 5: Cross-cutting topic

PSF Geo coverage
Moldova Norway Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Estonia Finland Greece Hungary Ireland Latvia Malta Poland Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden
PSF Exercise type
Challenge/ MLEs
