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Research and Innovation

MLE on Alignment and Interoperability of National Research Programmes

With a view to improve efficiency of public funding in research and addressing major societal challenges, Member States have identified the need to improve the alignment and interoperability of their national programmes. Building on the Lund Declaration, the ERAC Joint Programming Group (GPC) has launched an MLE to address the need to foster national coordination by looking at national preconditions for participation in JPP (Joint Programming Process) / JPI (Joint Programming Initiatives), national governance structures and communication flows and visibility.

PSF Exercise type



  • Follow up of the MLE: a year after

  • Closing workshop - MLE Alignment and Interoperability

  • Working meeting – MLE Alignment and Interoperability

  • Country visit to Norway - MLE Alignment and Interoperability

  • Country visit to Slovenia - MLE Alignment and Interoperability

  • Country visit to Austria - MLE Alignment and Interoperability

  • First meeting

  • Kick-off meeting