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Research and Innovation

Regional Innovation Matchmaking Platform – RIMAP

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RIMAP is a regional online innovation platform for knowledge transfer between the academic community and the businesses, the local government, and the NGOs in the Primorje - Gorski Kotar County of Croatia and beyond, with the aim of boosting the innovation ecosystem in the region.

RIMAP serves as a central place for publishing and exchanging information on technological trends, strategic documents, available funding sources, and EU calls for research and development. It also enables the connection of companies and researchers in joint projects or application consortia.

Watch the presentation by Saša Zelenika, Vice Rector for Strategic Projects, University of Rijeka, at the webinar ‘Soulmates in innovation: business-science cooperation in regions’ at the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2023.


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Valorisation channel

Ecosystem approach

Target groups

Academia / research Civil society / citizens Industry / SMEs Private Investors Public authorities / policy makers


Strategies/initiatives by national/regional public authorities/entities




Digital platform/tool
Guidance, consulting, partner search/networking

