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Master in Intellectual Property Valorisation for Knowledge Exchange & Impact

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Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer have grown to become fundamental and strategic components shaping universities, research institutes and companies. With the rising number of national experts in the management of services related to technology transfer, a training course, dedicated solely to improving the current practices in Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and impact, is needed.

The multi-site Master’s course in Italy wants participants to acquire theoretical and practical managerial knowledge and skills for the management of intellectual property and the main technology transfer activities, create networking opportunities and raise awareness of the national innovation ecosystem through visits organised with partner universities throughout the country.

Watch the presentation by Rosa Grimaldi, Professor of entrepreneurship and innovation management, University of Bologna, at the webinar ‘Master chefs in knowledge valorisation: recipes for sharpening knowledge and skills’ at the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2023.


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Valorisation channel

Intellectual Property Management

Target groups

Academia / research Industry / SMEs Public authorities / policy makers


Practices by stakeholders




Mobility, training, skills development

