Within the context of planning, monitoring and evidencing the impact of research projects, Theories of Change (ToC) are emerging as a main method. They are now widely used in evaluations and in research proposals, like the Impact Pathway in application forms of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Horizon Europe.
The team Evaluating Societal Impact (ESI) at Erasmus University Rotterdam has taken a user-centred approach to translating the ToC method into a hands‐on tool, which has proven particularly useful for projects that have the engagement of citizens, public bodies and societal actors. The Journey of Progress – Theory of Change card game addresses the unique challenges of such types of transformative collaborations, such as stimulating co‐creation from within while avoiding fatigue of partners and negotiating one’s span of control. The tool empowers and enables projects, initiatives, and various organisational units to autonomously build their ToC.