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Research and Innovation

Innovation Fund of the University of Ljubljana

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Many innovative ideas are produced and manifested in various forms of intellectual property. The University of Ljubljana is committed to transferring such intellectual property to the business sector, aiming to improve the quality of life both in Slovenia and abroad.

The Innovation Fund of the University of Ljubljana offers up to 25.000€ of financial support per project and additional support services: mentoring of research teams, support to commercialisation activities.

Watch the presentation by Simona Rataj, Head of Dpt. for Strategic marketing of IPR, Knowledge Transfer Office, University of Ljubljana, at the webinar Innovation in my mind: Who will fund it? at the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2022

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Valorisation channel

Intermediaries / support & networking structures Research-driven spin-offs and start-ups

Target groups

Academia / research


Practices by stakeholders




PoC, incubation, spin-off funding

