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Crowdfunding for university born projects - BiUniCrowd

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Bicocca University of crowdfunding is a funding programme launched in 2018 to give to the academic community the opportunity to fund projects and ideas with the support of people outside the university - in one word: with the support of the crowd. All the University community can apply responding to the annual announcement we usually put out in October. The crowdfunding model we have chosen is ‘all-or-nothing’, and all projects selected by the selection board will do the campaigns using the real rules of reward-based crowdfunding.

Watch the presentation by Luigi Di Pace, Manager of Bicocca Università del Crowdfunding programme, at the webinar Innovation in my mind: Who will fund it? at the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2022

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Valorisation channel

Academia-Industry cooperation and mobility Research-driven spin-offs and start-ups

Target groups

Academia / research


Practices by stakeholders




PoC, incubation, spin-off funding

