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Citizens’ jury on responsible smart mobility

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In the Lombardy Region (Italy), a Citizens‘ Jury provided specific recommendations on how to include responsibility issues like privacy and profiling, digital and economic inclusion, and accessibility in the preparation of a regional call for projects for data-driven local mobility services.

A Citizens Jury and other forms of deliberation can meaningfully inform policymakers to design better operational R&I policies (i.e. call for R&I projects or ideas). Useful criteria for selecting projects can emerge from this approach to ensure that the final outcomes generated by the funded project are, from the outset, aligned with societal values and needs. In fact, thanks to the citizens’ contributions, selected R&I projects will be “responsible by-design” since they will include citizens' opinions on societal responsibility issues when designing and shaping project results.

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Valorisation channel

Engagement of citizens, public bodies & societal actors

Target groups

Civil society / citizens


Strategies/initiatives by national/regional public authorities/entities


Climate action and environment


Participatory approaches, art/design methodologies


European Union, Italy