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Capital for early-stage software companies

A EUR 15-million equity investment under the InnovFin-EU finance for innovators initiative backed by the EU's Horizon 2020 programme and extended by the European Investment Fund (EIF) is helping Polish seed and venture capital firm Innovation Nest turn promising European software companies into global players.

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Constructing building blocks for new colloidal materials

Colloid chemistry is vitally important to many industrial processes such as the manufacture of paint, paper, ceramics, adhesives, pharmaceuticals, foods and composites. An EU-funded project is improving the synthesis of complex structures within colloids, with the aim of creating new and innovative materials.

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Faster rare anaemia research

An EU-funded project has developed a blood-cell analysis device that helps doctors and scientists better understand the causes and mechanics of rare forms of anaemia - potentially speeding up the development of new treatments adjusted to the needs of patients with these diseases.

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High-speed internet across Tunisia

A EUR 100-million loan extended under the InnovFin Finance for Innovators Facility under the EU's Horizon 2020 programme and backed by the European Investment Bank is helping Tunisie Telecom improve access to high-speed internet across Tunisia, especially in remote regions.

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