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Making European chemicals more competitive

In recent years, competition from Asia has cut into the European chemical industry's global market share. An EU-funded project is developing a new production process using ultrasound and microwaves that will produce better chemicals while sharpening Europe's competitive edge in this industry.

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Race to save EU's crops and landscape from lethal bacteria

Recent outbreaks of a plant bacterium have led to losses in olive and almond orchards in southern Europe. Known as Xylella fastidiosa (XF), there is no known cure. An EU-funded project is making major strides in improving prevention, early detection and control of the disease, aiming to avoid further economic damage and to save jobs.

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Brighter candles to shed new light on the universe

The luminosity of an astronomical object, if known, can be used to measure vast distances in space. A particular type of gamma ray burst could be applied in this way, according to an EU-funded project. It would be the brightest such 'standard candle' yet, opening up new opportunities to advance our understanding of the cosmos.

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Network advances research on infectious animal diseases

Infectious animal diseases represent a serious threat to farm animals as well as to humans' public health. An EU-funded project is building a transnational network of bio-containment research facilities, industry partners and international organisations that allows for safe research on high-risk pathogens causing highly contagious animal diseases.

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Easing the transition towards automated driving

Automated vehicles will soon be a reality on our roads but their safe integration into a 'mixed ability' transport system will require careful attention. EU-funded research is addressing the challenges posed by specific traffic conditions and testing possible solutions.

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Resilient cities in the face of climate change

Climate change has big and long-term impacts on cities. EU-funded research aims to increase resilience, improving cities' capacity to anticipate, prepare for, respond to and recover from related events such as droughts and heavy rain - protecting key infrastructure and lives.

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Creating trust in driverless cars

The future of driverless cars depends on whether the industry can create reliable systems that make drivers feel safe. That is why an EU-funded project has been applying a human-centric approach to develop software that will reassure people using automated vehicles.

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