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New cameras to make X-rays safer for patients

CT scans have revolutionised the fight against human illness by creating three-dimensional images of the body's inner workings. Such scans, however, can deliver high doses of radiation. Now EU-funded researchers have built special cameras that limit radiation while delivering images vital for patient health.

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From agricultural waste to marketable products

Agricultural waste represents a huge pool of untapped resources that can be turned into valuable assets with many potential industrial applications. An EU-funded project is looking for innovative approaches to convert the growing amount of human-produced agricultural waste into eco-efficient, bio-based products.

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Agile auto production gets a digital makeover

Global markets for cars are becoming increasingly competitive, forcing manufacturers to find cost savings while meeting greater demand for customisation. Advances in technology, known as 'Industry 4.0', make these seemingly contradictory demands possible. The EU-funded AutoPro project found a solution.

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Solving the core cooling problem for safer nuclear energy

Decay heat must be removed from the core of nuclear power stations. An EU-funded project demonstrated a reliable and efficient way of removing decay heat, without the need for external power sources, to enhance the safety of nuclear power plants even under potential (Fukushima-like) severe accident conditions.

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Novel protein product offers taste of success

An EU industry-funded project is transforming by-products from green vegetables and field crops into high-grade protein for the food industry. The finished product is a viable alternative to egg whites and whey protein - and has huge commercial potential.

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Closing the loop in a circular plastics economy

Electrical and electronic equipment is a growing source of waste in Europe and is difficult to recycle. Now EU-funded researchers have found a cheaper way to sort and reuse such waste. Their results could help close the loop in a circular plastics economy and power a more sustainable European future.

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