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Big data sheds more light on dark matter

EU-funded researchers have helped generate the most accurate map to date of dark matter, the mysterious substance that makes up 80 % of the universe. The innovative big-data technologies they used will have a significant impact on fields as diverse as astrophysics and biomedical imaging.

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Floating privacy and security in the clouds

As critical government services such as health care move online, it is essential to ensure your personal data is protected and easily managed. EU-funded researchers have come up with a novel solution that allows you to share and protect your personal details in a virtual wallet on the cloud – good for privacy and security.

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Europe stands up to lead the solar-thermal electricity way

All-too-often it takes global disasters or looming events to bring countries together for a common cause. Climate change is perhaps the biggest 'event' of this kind, an existential threat driving international research cooperation in a new sustainable solution called solar-thermal electricity (STE). But it takes leadership to forge such a grand alliance of scientists, engineers, technicians and companies prepared to back progress in this field. Europe stood up when it was needed.

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