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Gender economics in macroeconomic research

By failing to properly take gender interactions into account in research we are limiting today's science. EU-funded research is revealing how economic trends affect genders differently, as for example in the COVID-19 crisis. It is also looking at how the interaction between genders impacts macroeconomic trends.

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Novel silicon lasers promise semiconductor revolution

An EU-funded project is enabling efficient intra-chip and chip-to-chip communication via a new type of silicon capable of emitting light. It is demonstrating a technological breakthrough that could revolutionise the electronics industry and make devices faster and much more energy efficient.

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Collecting the world's viruses, empowering urgent research

Ebola, Zika, MERS, COVID-19? An EU-funded collection of mammalian viruses is supporting researchers around the globe in their efforts to shed new light on old and emerging illnesses and advance their treatment and control. This Research Infrastructure is the world's largest archive of such pathogens and is set up to respond to outbreaks quickly.

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Closing the circle on plastic waste

The problem of plastic waste and its impact on the environment needs to be urgently addressed. EU-funded research is looking at ways of creating a more sustainable plastic packaging life cycle to reduce the impact of plastic waste.

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