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Greener flights from greener fields - using aviation biofuel

Jet fuel from renewable sources holds the key to significantly reducing the environmental impact of aviation. EU-funded researchers have set out to boost Europe's production capacity, and are also developing a process that would leverage the growing of feedstock to rehabilitate land at risk of desertification.

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Creating a buzz around 'fly farming'

EU-funded researchers have delivered new knowledge on the artificial mass-rearing of certain species of flies. The findings are particularly timely since European legislation recently opened the door for some farmed fly species to be used as feed in the aquaculture sector.

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Automated asparagus harvesting cuts costs, improves crops

Harvesting white asparagus relies heavily on manual labour, an expense that places a financial strain on farmers. To address this, an EU-funded project has developed an automated harvesting tool that selectively picks only ripe asparagus and doesn’t damage the crop. This saves farmers money, improves crop quality and removes the need for back-breaking work.

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Insights into treating rare cancer tumours benefit patients

What is the best way to tackle sarcomas? Although clinical trials help to generate insight, they are hard to set up for rare diseases. An EU-funded project has organised several trials focusing on these malignancies, providing insight that is already helping to save more lives. It has also paved the way for further research to help patients.

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Building on experience

There are many factors that can influence a building's energy performance that a simulation cannot take into account. This is why one EU-funded project has gathered experience-based input from other building and energy stakeholders on what worked - and what didn't. The result is enbuibench, a platform where users can compare a building's energy use against other buildings with similar characteristics.

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A breath of fresh air for organ transplantation

Better outcomes, even with older and less-promising donor organs: new methods trialled by an EU-funded project have generated compelling results, widening the scope to transplant kidneys and livers that might otherwise not have been considered. Patients and healthcare systems both stand to benefit.

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Unravelling the mystery of how viruses evolve and spread

Emerging viruses pose a serious threat to global public health. EU-funded research is helping to advance our understanding of how infectious diseases evolve and adapt genetically, informing our efforts to develop an effective response. Researchers have already applied these new methods to several public health crises, including COVID-19.

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