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Computer model targets more effective cancer treatments

A groundbreaking EU-funded project has created a new method for developing multidrug cancer treatments. Many of the cancers this method targets have proven very difficult to treat with conventional medicines. As a result, this innovation has the potential to save thousands of lives every year.

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Measuring the new world of online work

Labour markets are changing dramatically, with millions now finding and carrying out work online. However, as official statistics only capture traditional labour markets, an EU-funded project has been tracking the growing world of online work.

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How our brains share emotions, such as intense fear

Although being stuck in a brain scanner while being exposed to a horror film may not be everyone's idea of fun, monitoring volunteers' grey cells throughout this process can tell scientists a lot. EU-funded research using this and other memorable techniques has generated new knowledge on the way we process and transmit social information.

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New solutions help local public administrations fight cyberattacks

Cyberattacks against local governments are on the rise. To help fight back, an EU-funded project has developed and tested a suite of tools and services for preventing and effectively reacting to these attacks. Based on these results, local public administrations in Europe will benefit from a more robust cybersecurity programme that will ultimately help protect citizens and their precious data.

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Unravelling the mysteries of black holes

What role - if any - do massive black holes play in the evolution of a galaxy? To find out, an EU-funded project used highly advanced X-ray telescopes to get a closer look at these mysterious celestial bodies. What they discovered greatly expands our understanding of the universe.

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Firm ground for platform advancing offshore renewable energy

Wind, wave, tidal - there is plenty of energy to harvest at sea, and plenty of room for innovation to tap this potential for greater sustainability contributing to a key sector in the European Commission's Green Deal. Test sites from several countries have joined forces to strengthen Europe's position at the forefront of this area of R&D. An EU-funded project has taken their cooperation a step further.

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A smarter approach to cybersecurity

Online security (known as 'cybersecurity') is one of the biggest challenges that companies face. The problem is that most solutions currently on the market are very expensive and rather ineffective. To change this and to help make companies, and by extension citizens, safer, one EU-funded project is taking a new approach - one that takes into account a wide-range of information, such as social media and blogs.

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