Roofing slates stand up to the weather

A study of the properties of roofing slates by an EU-funded project has resulted in an anti-weathering paint coating and a new system for classifying this natural roofing material.
A study of the properties of roofing slates by an EU-funded project has resulted in an anti-weathering paint coating and a new system for classifying this natural roofing material.
An EU-funded project is creating a global online communication platform as well as digital standards for weather reports, nautical charts and other aids to improve communications and safety at sea.
An EU-funded project is developing a way of measuring polluting particles smaller than 23 nanometres - the smallest size covered by current legislation.
An EU-funded consortium is developing technology to measure ultrafine particles in vehicle exhaust under real driving conditions, supporting the implementation of future EU emissions standards.
EU-funded researchers are developing a high-energy lithium-ion battery to power a range of electric vehicles. They aim to meet growing demand for greener transport and help Europe establish a competitive advantage in battery cell production.
Food safety tests could soon be easier and faster: EU-funded researchers are developing lab-on-a-chip technology for the rapid detection of multiple pathogens in multiple samples. Work on a portable pre-industrial prototype is under way.
From understanding earthquakes to medical imaging, wave-based imaging is already extremely valuable. If the imaging could be done at an even higher resolution, it would be even more valuable. An EU-funded project is training 15 young researchers in the techniques involved, and creating a truly multidisciplinary network in the process.
Brominated organic chemicals, man-made chemical compounds added to many consumer products to make them less flammable, have raised numerous health and environmental concerns in recent years. An EU-funded project is evaluating a commercially ready tool to test for the presence of these harmful substances and prevent them from affecting ecosystems and human health.