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Social sciences and humanities

Using culture to tackle social and political challenges

The extent to which national museums take into account competing social and political tensions could have an impact on social cohesion, say EU-funded researchers. These findings reinforce the importance of culture in achieving social harmony and helping countries move on from difficult times in their past.

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Pioneering citizen manifesto for secure, clean energy

An EU-funded research team has studied the impacts of economics, social cohesion, technology as well as geopolitical and environmental issues on secure and sustainable energy supplies in Europe. They developed a pioneering citizen manifesto for energy governance and the transition to reliable, renewable sources.

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Developing a fast, local test for deadly Ebola

Rapid diagnosis is vital for controlling outbreaks of the deadly Ebola virus. Currently this can only be done in complex laboratories and samples from infected patients are dangerous to handle and transport. Faced with this challenge, an EU and industry-funded project is developing fast, local tests to spot infection quickly and safely, helping to contain its spread and saving lives in the process.

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New sensors paint real-time picture of ocean health

EU-funded researchers have developed new marine sensors to meet the growing need for real-time data on the state of our oceans. Such timely and accurate information will help scientists and policymakers react quickly to ecological threats and ensure that environmental policies are properly implemented.

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More inclusive physical education to better tackle obesity

Obesity is on the rise in Europe and with that worrying signs of poor health, stigmatisation and social exclusion, especially among the young. International research is now under way to help schools tackle this scourge through physical education classes that better communicate the benefits of being active to all students, regardless of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race and social class.

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Ordinary Muslims in European daily life

Headscarves, mosques and halal shops - many EU citizens are Muslims, but visible signs of their faith are often viewed with distrust. What some Europeans see as a right to express their identity, others regard as a threat to societal core values. Insights from ERC-funded research into emblematic controversies may help to find a way forward.

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Faster testing for deadly Ebola

EU and industry-funded researchers have developed a portable device to test in the field whether a person has caught the deadly Ebola disease. It gives reliable results in 75 minutes, which can help contain outbreaks and save lives.

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