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Floating privacy and security in the clouds

As critical government services such as health care move online, it is essential to ensure your personal data is protected and easily managed. EU-funded researchers have come up with a novel solution that allows you to share and protect your personal details in a virtual wallet on the cloud – good for privacy and security.

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Putting smartphones at the centre of online security

An EU-funded project has launched a smartphone-centric authentication platform securely connecting all online accounts with a user's identity, putting an end to having to remember myriad PINs and passwords. This could help protect against hacking and boost confidence in online commerce amid privacy concerns.

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A pan-European approach to research on radioactive waste management

The European Commission is supporting a new European Joint research Programme on radioactive waste management, building on the far-reaching results of an EU-funded project that explored how best to pool resources, expertise and research and development efforts for the safe, efficient and secure treatment and storage of radioactive waste.

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Water consumption solution for efficient concentrated solar power

Deserts and other sun-drenched regions are the ideal location for concentrated solar power plants, but where sunlight is abundant water tends to be scarce. EU-funded researchers are solving this conundrum by developing technologies to comprehensively reduce water consumption, enabling CSP plants to play an even bigger role in addressing the world’s energy and climate change challenges.

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Rapid response tools for nuclear emergencies

An EU-funded project is improving the methodology and the tools required for rapid response to emergencies at nuclear power plants. Combined with a reference database of accident scenarios and a common methodology, these tools will enable emergency centres to better protect citizens.

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Easing the transition towards automated driving

Automated vehicles will soon be a reality on our roads but their safe integration into a 'mixed ability' transport system will require careful attention. EU-funded research is addressing the challenges posed by specific traffic conditions and testing possible solutions.

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Creating trust in driverless cars

The future of driverless cars depends on whether the industry can create reliable systems that make drivers feel safe. That is why an EU-funded project has been applying a human-centric approach to develop software that will reassure people using automated vehicles.

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Tracking and behavioural analysis in public places

An EU-funded project is developing a blueprint for the design of low-cost approach to behaviour analysis in public places, while respecting individuals' right to privacy. Such systems could be used for gauging crowd size and monitoring crowd flows for public safety and commercial purposes, for example.

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Deconstructing the terrorism discourse on social media

Although social media has infiltrated our daily lives and become a powerful tool it is not always put to good use. EU-funded research is looking at how the Islamic State group has used social media to promote the terrorist agenda and attract followers - and aims to shape policy to counter this movement.

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