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Building a cloud-based hub for all things research

The EU is developing a dedicated cloud repository for all the scientific research happening in Europe. To ensure easy access to and reuse of this information, the EU-funded EOSC-hub project developed an intuitive user interface and other tools. Researchers can now take advantage of the wealth of information already stored on the cloud, ultimately benefiting citizens as science becomes more open.

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OpenAIRE-Advance helps move Europe further down the open science path

The easier knowledge can be spread, the faster science can move forward. The OpenAIRE initiative has been spearheading this vision since 2008 with the goal of setting European science free. Most recently, the EU-funded OpenAIRE-Advance project went a step further by making open access to research the default option across Europe, bringing science truly closer to citizens.

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Understanding the social impacts of automation

Many fear that automation could lead to severe unemployment and that our education systems are not fit for purpose. To address these concerns, the EU-funded TECHNEQUALITY project is examining the potential social consequences of our digital age. The findings could help governments to devise policies that maximise economic growth to benefit citizens, whilst mitigating potential social harm.

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Keeping children safe in stressful times

A free parenting programme based on EU-funded research has won a 2019 Horizon Impact Award for its success in helping families to avoid child abuse in low-and middle-income countries. Now parents everywhere can access online tips to cope with COVID-19 lockdown life.

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Gender economics in macroeconomic research

By failing to properly take gender interactions into account in research we are limiting today's science. EU-funded research is revealing how economic trends affect genders differently, as for example in the COVID-19 crisis. It is also looking at how the interaction between genders impacts macroeconomic trends.

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Floating privacy and security in the clouds

As critical government services such as health care move online, it is essential to ensure your personal data is protected and easily managed. EU-funded researchers have come up with a novel solution that allows you to share and protect your personal details in a virtual wallet on the cloud – good for privacy and security.

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