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Research policy

From brine to blue growth, using marine biotechnology

Powerful compounds, intriguing properties, underused potential... marine resources such as algae are already powering innovation in areas as varied as fuel production, bioremediation and medicine, and the journey of discovery continues. An EU-funded project set out to accelerate the process and help advance Europe's bioeconomy.

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Give us a twirl: virtual garment prototypes on the move

Dreaming up new clothes? Animation techniques shaped by EU-funded researchers can show you how your designs would turn out by simulating the behaviour of the yarn in the fabric. A spin-off is about to launch a first product based on this approach, for use in the fashion industry - potentially boosting its competitiveness.

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Putting smartphones at the centre of online security

An EU-funded project has launched a smartphone-centric authentication platform securely connecting all online accounts with a user's identity, putting an end to having to remember myriad PINs and passwords. This could help protect against hacking and boost confidence in online commerce amid privacy concerns.

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Should central bankers fight inflation or go for growth?

Since 1998, the European Central Bank's priority has been to maintain price stability in the euro area. However, EU-funded researchers have proposed that central bankers should place more emphasis on boosting the economy in difficult times. The project's recommendations could feed into policies for a more prosperous Europe.

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Freight firm digitalises and creates jobs

A EUR 2.4 million loan extended under the InnovFin-EU finance for innovators initiative under the EU's Horizon 2020 programme and backed by the European Investment Fund has helped Bulgarian freight transporter Discordia digitalise, develop an innovative business model and create jobs.

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Software tells tired drivers to take a break

A EUR 850 000 loan extended under the InnovFin SME Guarantee Facility under the EU's Horizon 2020 programme and backed by the European Investment Fund has helped Swedish company Smart Eye secure contracts for its software that alerts sleepy drivers. As well as making roads safer, this has created jobs.

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Solving the core cooling problem for safer nuclear energy

Decay heat must be removed from the core of nuclear power stations. An EU-funded project demonstrated a reliable and efficient way of removing decay heat, without the need for external power sources, to enhance the safety of nuclear power plants even under potential (Fukushima-like) severe accident conditions.

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Novel protein product offers taste of success

An EU industry-funded project is transforming by-products from green vegetables and field crops into high-grade protein for the food industry. The finished product is a viable alternative to egg whites and whey protein - and has huge commercial potential.

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