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Silks and shells can repair human tissue

Under the EU-funded project REMIX, researchers from Europe and Asia have joined forces to turn natural textile and food fibres, including silk and shells, into cutting-edge medical applications such as prosthetics and human tissue repair.

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Closing the circle on plastic waste

The problem of plastic waste and its impact on the environment needs to be urgently addressed. EU-funded research is looking at ways of creating a more sustainable plastic packaging life cycle to reduce the impact of plastic waste.

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Designing organisms to process waste

The EU generates more than 600 million tonnes of plant-based waste every year, containing valuable compounds that could be used to produce chemicals which are currently derived from oil. EU-funded researchers have now designed a safe soil bacterium that could convert waste into useful products in a single step.

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Closing the loop in a circular plastics economy

Electrical and electronic equipment is a growing source of waste in Europe and is difficult to recycle. Now EU-funded researchers have found a cheaper way to sort and reuse such waste. Their results could help close the loop in a circular plastics economy and power a more sustainable European future.

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Cool and safe food storage is in the bag

Failing to keep frozen or chilled food cold during transport to consumers causes it to deteriorate, potentially leading to food poisoning or waste. An EU-funded project developed an environmentally friendly, flexible and low-cost solution - which could also save retailers and consumers money.

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Greater resource efficiency for consumer goods

An EU-funded project aims to boost resource efficiency in the electrical and electronic sector by developing, testing and transferring new circular economy business models based on systemic eco-innovative services. This should save money, create jobs and cut emissions.

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