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Natural disasters

New platform helps earth scientists manage and share data

An EU-funded project has developed a virtual research environment to help the earth sciences community manage its research life cycles and to share knowledge. The new e-infrastructure platform provides easy access to vast amounts of data and tools, boosting researchers’ productivity and creativity.

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New tools to help victims of CBRN incidents

Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materials are hazardous and represent an important potential risk to human beings. An EU-funded project is developing a 'field toolbox' for emergency services and medical personnel to aid victims of CBRN exposure.

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IT platform to improve disaster management

Society is increasingly exposed and vulnerable to natural disasters. Extreme weather events are becoming more common across Europe and the world. EU-funded researchers are developing an IT platform to support the entire disaster-management cycle.

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Tackling the growing menace of forest wildfires

Researchers from Europe and Australia have joined forces to improve our understanding of forest wildfires. The EU-funded project promises to deliver new knowledge and develop software tools that will help emergency services deal with wildfires more effectively.

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Saving Europe's cultural heritage from climate damage

Europe has some of the richest cultural heritage in the world. Yet its historic sites, monuments and museums are at risk from climate change and natural disasters. An EU-funded project is developing methods, tools, services and policies to protect this irreplaceable cultural legacy.

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