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Molecular biology

A new collaborative European network on age-related diseases

As Europe’s population grows older, the burden of age-related diseases is rising. A promising avenue of research is understanding how protein dysfunction can drive cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. The EU-funded PhasAGE project created a research centre focused on protein phase separation, growing Europe’s research capacity to prevent and treat age-related diseases.

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Building a community for microbiome research

Microbiomes may have the potential to benefit the global food system, but tapping that potential requires coordinated research – which currently isn’t the case. The EU-funded MicrobiomeSupport project aims to change this by mapping the research landscape and highlighting the need to standardise data. In doing so, it is ensuring that microbiome research can support safe, healthy and sustainable food systems.

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A tale of the gut, microbial miscommunication, and preventing disease

The many microscopic organisms, or microbiome, that live in our gut play a big part in keeping us healthy, yet a breakdown in communication between them and the rest of the body can badly affect our health. The EU-funded META-BIOME project set out to understand the causes of this miscommunication. To understand this could allow for new treatments against many diseases, benefiting all citizens.

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Engineers put the squeeze on cancer cells

EU-funded researchers have applied engineering know-how to understand what controls the mechanical strength of living cells. Their findings offer new insights into the spread of cancers as well as into diseases of the heart and nervous system.

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