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Transforming fashion through community innovation

The fashion industry has been linked to pollution, waste, and modern slavery. In light of this, an EU-funded project led a series of successful experiments designed to spark radical, sustainable change while, at the same time, uniting Europe's textile and clothing businesses.

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Novel silicon lasers promise semiconductor revolution

An EU-funded project is enabling efficient intra-chip and chip-to-chip communication via a new type of silicon capable of emitting light. It is demonstrating a technological breakthrough that could revolutionise the electronics industry and make devices faster and much more energy efficient.

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Closing the circle on plastic waste

The problem of plastic waste and its impact on the environment needs to be urgently addressed. EU-funded research is looking at ways of creating a more sustainable plastic packaging life cycle to reduce the impact of plastic waste.

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Brewing greener chemicals from fermented waste

Your dinner leftovers, vegetable peelings and discarded packaging paper could provide environmentally friendly alternatives to commonly used chemicals, thanks to innovative technologies and fermentation processes being developed by EU and industry-funded researchers.

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