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Engineering vaccines to protect farm animals from infection

An EU-funded project is using synthetic biology techniques to design broad-spectra vaccines against mycoplasmas and viral infections in farm animals. By designing a growth medium without animal components and developing a platform to engineer new vaccines, the project will give the EU livestock industry a much-needed boost.

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Innovations to improve ship safety in the icy Arctic

The EU-funded SEDNA project is developing ways to improve the design, operation, navigation and anti-icing features of ships traversing the harsh Arctic region. SEDNA's innovations could help protect lives, safeguard the region's unique natural environment, and open more competitive routes for Europe's shippers.

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New tools to help victims of CBRN incidents

Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materials are hazardous and represent an important potential risk to human beings. An EU-funded project is developing a 'field toolbox' for emergency services and medical personnel to aid victims of CBRN exposure.

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Innovation in energy technology powers research careers

Breakthrough battery technologies will play a vital role in achieving the EU's goal of lowering carbon emissions by storing renewable energy for use around the clock and increasing the uptake of electric vehicles. EU-funded research is developing new energy-storage options that will have an enormous impact in Europe, creating new jobs and helping to protect our environment.

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Batteries not included... or needed!

European researchers have found a way to integrate printed electronics and photovoltaics to develop a new kind of solar transistor, ultra-thin yet powerful enough to operate 'smart' windows, clothing and ever-smaller electronic devices. No batteries required!

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