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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Scientists get closer to natural blue pigment

Demand for natural pigments in the cosmetic and food industry is high, but most blue pigments used in cosmetics and food are still artificial. THE EU-funded BIOVADIA project increased understanding of marennine, the blue pigment in blue diatoms. Research continues and could eventually feed into diverse applications, including use of the pigment and diatoms in cosmetics, medicine and agriculture.

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To freeze or not to freeze - it's in the proteins

EU-funded scientists delved into a special class of proteins to solve the mystery of how creatures such as winter flounder and ocean pout don't freeze along with the waters they live in. The results could lead to new bio-based anti-freeze alternatives for industry, medicine and food-production.

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Origins of the (stone fruit) species

As global competition for fresh and processed fruit increases, breeders and producers also have to deal with the effects of climate change and more pathogens, especially sharka disease, appearing in their orchards. EU-funded research traced the origins of stone fruits to discover genetic clues for better disease resistance.

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Model approach to organic fish farming

Organic aquaculture production is much in demand, but some traditional fish farmers may need guidance on how to make the switch. The ECOFISH project is developing a model and guide that provide just that, helping to set producers on the path to sustainability and added value.

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Valuable metals not stuck in the mud

Bauxite residue - the by-product from the extraction of aluminium from bauxite ore - has the consistency of thick, red mud. Disposing of this waste poses a serious problem for industry, as does the risk of spills. But red mud can also be a source of critical metals. The REDMUD project intends to turn residues into low-carbon building materials - and to train researchers along the way.

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Understanding a changing Europe through big data

The EU-funded LONGPOP project will train young researchers in the skills needed to fully exploit big data. With a focus on social change, the researchers will be able to apply the knowledge and techniques learnt to helping welfare systems prepare for the years ahead.

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Nearer to the neuron

Language, reasoning and learning are abilities powered by the neocortex, the folded grey matter on the outside of the brain. But how does its neuronal circuitry actually handle information? Using the example of syntax processing, new EU-funded research is exploring the physiological underpinnings of human cognition.

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