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International cooperation

Building a cloud-based hub for all things research

The EU is developing a dedicated cloud repository for all the scientific research happening in Europe. To ensure easy access to and reuse of this information, the EU-funded EOSC-hub project developed an intuitive user interface and other tools. Researchers can now take advantage of the wealth of information already stored on the cloud, ultimately benefiting citizens as science becomes more open.

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Redesigning crops to meet society’s increasing food needs

By 2050, the world population may reach 10 billion people. Unfortunately, there’s not enough agricultural land available to sustainably produce the food needed to feed this many people. To help, the EU-funded FutureAgriculture project has designed a new type of crop capable of producing the amounts required to feed a rapidly growing population and to adapt to the effects of climate change.

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OpenAIRE-Advance helps move Europe further down the open science path

The easier knowledge can be spread, the faster science can move forward. The OpenAIRE initiative has been spearheading this vision since 2008 with the goal of setting European science free. Most recently, the EU-funded OpenAIRE-Advance project went a step further by making open access to research the default option across Europe, bringing science truly closer to citizens.

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New set of tools helps crisis management actors step their game up

Reacting efficiently to natural disasters calls for extensive training, effective technologies and well-oiled strategies. The EU-funded DRIVER+ project provides just the means to these ends, due to its unique test bed and portfolio of solutions. Trials in four European countries already show much promise and will help contribute to ensuring citizens' safety.

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The ultimate platform to handle extreme weather events

During natural disasters, response teams need all the help they can get. The line between success and failure is often paper-thin and innovative IT solutions can make a big difference. Through beAWARE, an EU-funded project, stakeholders have access to a platform integrating high-end technologies and an entirely new approach to disaster management that will ultimately help keep citizens safe.

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The sustainability sandbox: test your scenarios!

What, exactly, will it take to transition to a low-emission society? Where can we make improvements? Will they be sufficient? How do the options combine? EU-funded researchers have produced a website where users can mix and match possible solutions and explore how these choices play out across key areas.

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