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How producing clever metal parts can cut industry costs

An EU-funded project has helped to turn a promising method of producing metal parts for cars, planes and tools into a mainstream industrial process. The project has put in place a functioning supply chain and identified best practices that will enable manufacturers to deliver high-end products in a cost-effective manner.

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Assisted living technology made easy

Some people take pleasure in an epic struggle to configure a new wireless device. Others, not so much. For them, it would be great if the electronics they need could, please, just sort themselves out to work straight out of the box. An EU-funded project has found a way to achieve this level of user-friendliness for assisted living technologies.

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Changing manufacturing for a more competitive Europe

Every day, we buy, use and dispose of products that end up as landfill. Unfortunately, the resources required to make new products won't be available in large amounts forever. Through the EU-funded ResCoM project, four well-known companies have already analysed the extent to which they could adopt a circular approach.

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Valuable metals not stuck in the mud

Bauxite residue - the by-product from the extraction of aluminium from bauxite ore - has the consistency of thick, red mud. Disposing of this waste poses a serious problem for industry, as does the risk of spills. But red mud can also be a source of critical metals. The REDMUD project intends to turn residues into low-carbon building materials - and to train researchers along the way.

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Understanding a changing Europe through big data

The EU-funded LONGPOP project will train young researchers in the skills needed to fully exploit big data. With a focus on social change, the researchers will be able to apply the knowledge and techniques learnt to helping welfare systems prepare for the years ahead.

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