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Health & poverty

Keeping children safe in stressful times

A free parenting programme based on EU-funded research has won a 2019 Horizon Impact Award for its success in helping families to avoid child abuse in low-and middle-income countries. Now parents everywhere can access online tips to cope with COVID-19 lockdown life.

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Vaccines, and their benefits beyond immunisation

How do vaccination programmes influence child survival in low-income countries? Protection against the targeted illness is not the only aspect to consider, according to an EU-funded project that explored associated outcomes known as 'non-specific effects'. The research focused on public health interventions in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Guinea-Bissau.

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New light on sub-Saharan nutrition research

Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa still suffer from high rates of malnutrition, despite international efforts to address the issue. An EU-funded project brought together African researchers and stakeholder organisations to define research priorities that could improve results and strengthen the continent's capacity in this field.

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A breath of FRESH AIR for tackling lung diseases

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is now the third leading cause of death worldwide, particularly in low-income settings. EU-funded researchers are working to improve outcomes for populations across the world by ensuring the implementation of best practice based on scientific evidence.

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More inclusive physical education to better tackle obesity

Obesity is on the rise in Europe and with that worrying signs of poor health, stigmatisation and social exclusion, especially among the young. International research is now under way to help schools tackle this scourge through physical education classes that better communicate the benefits of being active to all students, regardless of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race and social class.

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