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Frontier research (ERC)

New insights into the Neanderthal way of life

Even though Neanderthals once dominated Eurasia, we know very little about how they lived and why they went extinct. But a new archaeological method developed by the EU-funded PALEOCHAR project could change that. As a result, the project brings us valuable information and a more complete picture of the Neanderthal world, increasing our knowledge of life on Earth many thousands of years ago.

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Solving the papyrus puzzle

The ancient Egyptians left behind a plethora of papyri containing valuable written information but most of these have remained unpublished and unstudied. The EU-funded ELEPHANTINE project has created a large database and a new software solution that could soon change this. This could allow for a much better understanding of some of the world’s most fascinating ancient civilisations.

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Brain study opens door to potential new disease treatments

Millions of people suffer from brain diseases. To better understand what happens in the brains of these patients, the EU-funded RobustSynapses project focused on synapses, where many brain conditions often first develop. By identifying key things that can go wrong, the project team has opened the door to potential new targets for life-saving treatments that would benefit everyone.

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Supporting the global movement for environmental justice

Environmental justice is about making sure environmental laws, regulations and policies treat everyone fairly. The EU-funded EnvJustice project has developed an online tool to support the many environmental justice movements happening around the world. As a result, everyone now has easy access to up-to-date information about how environmental issues impact their part of the world.

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Online tool feeds into effective forest management strategies

A great deal of biodiversity, accounting for an enormous variety of plants, amongst other forms of life, is found on the forest floor but this is often overlooked in forest management strategies. An EU-funded project developed an online tool to accurately take account of biodiversity loss at this level. This will help to conserve forests for future generations of EU citizens.

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Unravelling the mysteries of black holes

What role - if any - do massive black holes play in the evolution of a galaxy? To find out, an EU-funded project used highly advanced X-ray telescopes to get a closer look at these mysterious celestial bodies. What they discovered greatly expands our understanding of the universe.

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Innovative metal recycling for sustainable tech

EU-funded researchers are developing low-polluting techniques for recovering valuable metals from communications and green technology waste. This 'urban mining' could help to reduce pollution and ensure a secure supply of metals critical to a low-carbon, connected economy.

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Measuring the new world of online work

Labour markets are changing dramatically, with millions now finding and carrying out work online. However, as official statistics only capture traditional labour markets, an EU-funded project has been tracking the growing world of online work.

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